Benchmark stats
Within the Benchmark statistics, you can observe your performance relative to the average Sociuu clients.
Users & Employees
Adopted users
Below the Adopted users is the percentage of of invited users who can shared one or more times through Email, SMS, WhatsApp or their own, SociuuHub.
Employee invite/month
Beneath the Employee invite/month it displays the monthly average numbers of invitations the employees.
Below Engagement/ adopted it displays the average engagement among the employees who have adopted to the program.
Posts per month
Below the Posts pr month it displays the total number of campaigns created and "pushed" to users via Email, WhatsApp or SMS.
Users invited by Email, WhatsApp & SMS
Beneath the Users invited by email, WhatsApp and SMS it shows the total numbers of invited employees, excluding invitations sent through Teams and Slack)
Note: The employee count represents each unique invitation sent to an individual employee
Campaigns pushed to Slack and Teams
Below the Campaigns pushed to Slack and Teams it displays the total number of campaigns created and "pushed" to users via Slack and Teams.
Shares from Push (Email, WhatsApp and SMS)
Beneath the Shares from Push (Email, WhatsApp and SMS) it shows the overall count of share from push channels such as, Email, WhatsApp & SMS
Shares from Pull (SociuuHub)
Below the Shares from Pull (SociuuHub) it displays the number of shares the employees have made from SociuuHub
EMV (Earned Media Value)
Below the EMV( Earned Media Value) it displays the EMV based on your configured settings. The monthly and yearly EMV is calculated on an average use of direct share as well as the media mix, multiplied with your number of uploaded employees.
You can access your personally calculated benchmark statistics within your platform and compare them with the statistics presented in our annual benchmark report. We regulary update your benchmark statistics at the conclusion of each month. ​
Where do you find your Benchmark stats?
1. Go to the menu in your platform. Click on Insights & Statistics and Benchmark
2. Export your stats by clicking on the "Export" button to the top right.