There are different engagement calculations troughout Sociuu. In Engagement statistics, you have a collective overview of your programme's engagement.
Engagement statistics show you the development of engagement over time, users activity and department stats.
It helps you to see how your programme is evolving and which users are most active, newbies and the inactive.
Department stats also show you which departments are the most active and best performing.
This chart maps users by activity.
At the top right, you see 'Shared Unique / Shared Total' which shows
At the top left you see 'Open Unique / Open Total' which shows
At the bottom left you see 'Unopened Unique / Unopened Total' which shows
This graph shows you how engagement is developing month by month or year by year.
The stippled line is a trend line. This shows you the trend of development. A trend can go upwards, downwards or be stable.
Click on the blue dot to see the development for the specific month or year.
This sheet gives you an overview of the performance of each department that you have active users in.
A user can only belong to one department, where a user also can belong to several user groups. This is a statistical difference as performance measured by departments is unique.
Filter to see a specific period.