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Linkedin Connect

Enable ambassadors to connect their LinkedIn profiles directly to Sociuu.
This feature provides more personal data insights into the performance of the ambassadors' posting and more different post formats to share. 

Admins can create unique native posts (posts without links or origins from other sources) and share if with the list of employees, who have connected their LinkedIn profiles in Sociuu. 
Please note that the feature is optional for users, so users who do not connect to LinkedIn, only can receive traditional Sociuu post format - regular, direct, and video posts.

Ask us to activate it on your platform at




  • Currently, this feature is only available for LinkedIn, but more platforms will be available soon.


  • Posts can be shared via email and SociuuHub.


  • Data usage via LinkedIn connection: 

    • Amount of reactions and comments on posts shared via Sociuu.

    • Profile image (coming)

    • LinkedIn verification whether a post has been published

what is a native post

1. Understanding Native Posts and Available Formats



Native posts are posts created directly on Sociuu from scratch and shared to the users that have connected their personal LinkedIn profiles. These posts can be shared via email, with more formats to be announced soon. In Sociuu, you can make the following types of native post formats:



  • Text-only Posts: Create posts with just text. put examples.


  • Posts with Images: Add images to your posts.


  • Coming Soon: Additional formats e.g. video uploads.



If you wish to keep having a link in your post like before, you can also add the link to the caption text of the post. Native posts created in Sociuu will look in LinkedIn like the example bellow.



Before you start sharing these posts with ambassadors, make sure that the ambassadors connect to LinkedIn. Only connected ambassadors can receive native posts!

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help employees

2. Help Employees Connect Their LinkedIn Profiles


To connect one's LinkedIn account to Sociuu, the user must 1) access the SociuuHub.

The SociuuHub is found at your platform URL followed by /sociuuhub

To connect, the user must 2) go to Settings in the SociuuHub and 3) open Social Connect and Integrations


Hereafter, simply click on Connect to LinkedIn - log in and allow connection.


Please note, that user connecting should be done before you start sharing native posts with them!












By connecting to LinkedIn, the user is allowed follow data connection >

Sociuu will have limited access to the user's profile, only using  â€‹

  • Amount of Likes, comments, and interactions on posts shared via Sociuu.

  • User name and photo.

  • Verifying whether a post has been published


Make sure to provide them with the user guide on how to connect their LinkedIn profiles to Sociuu and assist them through the process to ensure a smooth connection. This guide will also help you understand the user process, how do they connect their LinkedIn profiles and the different sharing options they have.

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In your admin platform, Go to the user list and look for the verification icon next to the user. If the verification icon is visible, the user has done the social connection correctly. 


Find the user list via the left side menu: User Management - All users

Verify Who has Connected the LinkedIn Profile



Verify connection
how to share native post

3.1 How to Create a Native Post


First, go to the "Create Native Content" in the menu bar (Admin platform)


Write the content of your post. If you wish to keep having a link in your post like before, you can also add the link here.


Include an image if desired.

The optimal image size is 1200 x 630 pixels.


By checking this box, you will allow users to change the text in their posts when they are making their native post in SociuuHub


Select the tags related to the users that you want to share this content with.


This will make the content available for them in their SociuuHub and include them in the email list in the next step.


On the right side you can have a preview of hoe your content will look in LinkedIn and make any changes if needed.

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Click Publish

Now the post is live in the SociuuHub on your selected publish time, ready to share for users attached to the selected post tags. 

Consider whether you wish to send an email notification to the ambassadors with this new content. If so, follow step 3.2 below.


To see how it appears in the SociuuHub, view section 4 below.

Post published and ready to share!

3.2 Send the native post via email

Once you have published the post, you will be directed to the email distribution for the employees, here you can choose the different aspects of the email, from who it is sent, subject description and the main text of the email.


Specify who is sending the post. In the Name area you can select from the admins added in the platform.


The "Reply-to name" and "Reply-to Adress would be the name and email that the employee would write to if they reply to the email.​


Write the email subject and the preview email that will be shown in the employee inbox




This is the body text that will appear above the actual content in the email.

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An email will now be sent to the selected target audience of ambassadors.

The email shared with the employees will look similar to the example below

Once you have published the post, the email shared with the employees will look similar to the example to the left. 


When the ambassador click Share, a SociuuHub window with the selected post will show up where they can add text themselves, preview the post, or simply use it as is and post on LinkedIn. 

How regular user share

4. How ambassadors view and share native post

post performance

5. Tracking Native Post Performance




In the dashboard area you will be able to see engagement number accumulated by reactions, comments and impressions. Admins are also able to see verified shares.



To see your native posts performance in the post list, open the filter, click on the 'Content' area and select 'Native' to find your native post stats. Now you will be able to see your native posts, with their statistics as well as the engagement performance.



In the userlist area, you can access the each user sociuuhub to see the native posts results. This option will be also available soon from the admin view. ​​



Note that initially, these statistics will be updated twice a day, with more frequent updates coming soon.

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