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SociuuHub Notifications

SociuuHub notifications are emails that you can send to your employees when they are inactive in the SociuuHub.


You have two types of notifications,


This guide walks you through the process of configuring and utilizing notifications for your SociuuHub users.

1. Accessing notifications settings

  • Navigate to the Settings section within the platform.

  • Within the Settings area, locate and click on SociuuHub.

  • Here, you can manage notification settings for your users.

Never logged in notification

2. Setting up your SociuuHub notifications

2.1 Never Logged In Notification:

This notification targets users who have never logged in to SociuuHub.

1. Click on "Configure" to set up this notification.


2. Under "Inactive User Configuration", define the criteria for user inactivity.


3. Choose the duration of inactivity after which a user should receive a notification.

4. Customize the email subject and content to suit your needs.

5. Save the configuration and turn on the notifications switch.

We miss you notification

2.2 We Miss You Notification:

This notification is for users who have been inactive in sharing content.

1. Click on "Configure" to set up this notification.


2. Specify the duration of inactivity after which a user should receive a notification.

3. Customize the email subject and content according to your preferences.


4. Save the configuration and turn on the notifications switch.

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