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Manage images in posts


You can change the images in your post directly from Content Hub. ​


1. Go to Content Hub --> Mouse hover the image section of the post. 


2. Either drag & drop a image from your computer or click on the image section.


3. Remember to click "Replace image


Great! You post is now updated.

Note: Sociuu only accept .JPEG,  JPG, PNG, & GIF files 


You can change images while creating a post from Content Hub 



1. Select the post -- > click "Create post" in the top right corner. 


2. Select distribution type.


3. To edit the post, click on the pen to the right.


4.  Press the "Add custom image" button and save.


5. Proceed with the usual steps and send post.


You have now changed the image in your post!


Note: Sociuu only accept .JPEG,  JPG, PNG, & GIF files 



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