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  • How do I share videos?
    You can share videos through Sociuu in two ways: 1. Regular share - Create a post to share for instance an YouTube video. When you share a video as regular share, the post counts clicks as you would click on the video to play. 2. Facebook or LinkedIn video share - Share videos from Facebook or LinkedIn that autoplay. When you share a Facebook or LinkedIn video post, you will see view count in posts stats as this is an integration with the company pages. 3. Direct share - if you for instance share a SoMe video manually and activate direct share in step 1, the video will also autoplay. This is simply a redistribution of a post and will not be measured. Any stats will be seen on the specific post and not in Sociuu.
  • Can video's autoplay feature remain?
    Yes, use Facebook or LinkedIn video post or direct share on SoMe posts to keep autoplay. When you use Facebook and LinkedIn video posts, the post have view count and not click. Direct shares cannot be measured as they are simply redistributed to employees.
  • What is native content?
    Native content is content that is directly uploaded to social media. This content is characterised by: · Not having an explisitly displayed link · Large image · Special features - image carusselles, magazine, slide show etc · Videos autoplay The 'landing page' is social media and the content is only native on the social network that it is loaded to. So, Facebook content is only native on Facebook. Linkedin on LinkedIn and so forth. To share social media conent you can find the links in different spots: On Facebook, you find the link to all content behind the date stamp. Right click to copy link On LinkedIn and Twitter, the link is behind (···) copy link to post Instagram, you will have to log in on a brower (···) copy link to post.
  • Where do I find the links to posts on Facebook, Istagram and LinkedIn"
    To share social media conent, you can find the links in different spots: On Facebook, you find the link to all content behind the date stamp. Right click to copy link On LinkedIn and Twitter, the link is behind (···) copy link to post Instagram, you will have to log in on a brower (···) copy link to post.
  • What content can I share
    You can share all content that have a link. Social media posts Web articles Blogs Career sites Job posts News, PR and Media 3. party conent, industy news, thought leadership materials Recommendations Do not share content hidden behind paywalls Share relevant content to relevant employees Ensure that it is representable - customise the post in step 1. add image and edit text
  • How do I change the headline on a LinkedIn video?
    1. Go to the video that you want to edit on LinkedIn 2. (···) Edit post 3. Give it a headline and save
  • What image size is best to use on posts?
    When you create a post you can always add a new image. On Regular shares, this is the image displyed on the post when shared. With direct shares, you can change the image to ensure the email looks presentable. However, it will not stick to the post as direct shares are not altered. Regardless of the social network you share to, images are displyed in wide format. We recomend aspect ratio 1.9 with “most optimal” image size of 1200px * 630px If you want to make sure for instance a square image is not corpped and rendered inappropratly by the network, upload an image in wide format when you create a post in Sociuu. Sociuu does not crop or render any images. Image limit is set to 5000 pixel wide. Reduce the size before uploading to Sociuu
  • What is the max image size
    Sociuu do not adjust, crop or render images automtically. The image width limit is set to 5000 pixels - Reduce the image size befor uploading. Due to the wide image format on social networks, Sociuu recommends you to use wide formated images on Regular shares as they otherwise are cropped by the networks to fit their display formats.
  • What is a #-tag
    A #-tag is makes words in the post acitve search keywords. So if #EmployeeAdvocacy is included in the post introduction text and someone searches for this specific subject or follow this tag, this post becomes visible to them. In other words, tags makes posts more visible. Use tags in different ways 1. Keywords - searchable terms e.g. sustainability, energy 2. Communities - Create a space of belonging 3. Branding - Products, employer branding, taglines vision #-tags are different from @tags that are meant for people, companies and places Include tags in the text or in the end, that is up to you.
  • What is an @-tag?
    An @tag can be used to notoify people, companies that you are including them in your post. @Tags can also be used for places to mark where the post is 'located'. By involving particularly @people, you activate your network. This is a great way to ensure engagement on a post.
  • What is suggested text?
    The suggested text field is a box for you to propose a text employees can share with the post. Not all employees have time to create a personal text and this can be a great help for them. Suggested text is not autmatically prompted with the share and it has to be copy/pased from the email to the post.
  • What is watermark?
    Watermark is a custom text that is placed over the image. Alter the text to fit the image Text suggestions: Create disclaimers State the company name, slogan etc Employee at [company name]
  • When should I use Direct share?
    Direct share is intended for native social media content; Content uploaded directly to social media that has special features. This can be an magazine that you can flip through, large images, image caruselles, slide decks etc. If the post redirects, use that landing page to shorten the journey and then you do not need to use Direct share. Only use direct share when social media is your landingpage.
  • How many networks should I include in the Sociuu mail?
    Depending on the settings, you have 1-6 different networks to choose between. When you include more than 1 network, you give employees option to choose the network they prefere to share to. They can also share to more than one if they like. Regular shares works accross networks. Direct shares is intended for native content which only is native on the network it origiated at Video shares always go LinkedIn video to LInkedIn Facebook to Facebook
  • Why can't I change the text on Direct shares?
    For native features to remain on direct shares, these post cannot be altered. If any changes are made, they would not be native any more. You can always change the image on direct share - however, this is only for the email and not on the post. If you want to make any change to the post, you need to do them on the original post.
  • Can I share from Instagram?
    Yes you can share from Instagram. But you cannot share to Instagram. Instagram is not a resharing platform as we know from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Xing etc. 1. Go to Instagram in a browser 2. Find the post 3. (···) Copy link to post 4. Enter the link to create post step 1. Follow through to step 4 and send. Sociuu recommends that you share Insta posts to Facebook. You can also add your Instagram profile to the Content Hub by RSS.
  • Can I download the current user list from Sociuu?
    Yes, you can always download the full user list. Please note that there is a difference between user list that you find in import/export and user stats. Go to: 1. Import/Export in the menu 2. Click the Export User List in the top right corner 3. Choose file format 4. You will recieve the list by mail
  • How do I upload the user list?
    1. Go to import / eksport - You have to prepare your userlist outside Sociuu - see example file here 2. Drag and drop your user list or upload from your computer. You can choose between uploading excel or CSV 3. Map or skip columns 4. Analyse import 5. Choose duplicate action 6. Import is done
  • How do I delete users?
    You can delete users manually or with an upload. DELETE BY UPLOAD 1. Create a list with first name, last name and email with users to delete 2. Go to import/export and upload the list 3. Map columns 4. Analyse import 5. Choose the duplicate action 'Delete uploaded user' to delete users on the list or ' Delete all users in system' to replace with a new user list. DELETE USERS MANUALLY 1. Go to Users in the manu 2. Tick the users off you want to delete 3. A blue bar appears with a delete option When you delete all users, users start from scratch when uploaded again. Deleted users can be recreated but not with past performance stats. All deleted users are scrambled and their stats remain in Sociuu anonymized.
  • How many users can I upload at once
    Sociuu do not recommend that you upload more than 2400 users at once. This is only to avoid a long load time.
  • How do I update the current user list?
    1. Create a list of current users/employees 2. Download the user list from Sociuu in Excel (Implort/Export) 3. Merge the two documents by copy/paste 4. Add the current user/employee list again 5. Choose duplicate action - Highlight by colour 6. Filter by colour - Copy all employees without colour to a new sheet The new sheet is now your delete list of users/employees that are not included in your updated/current users lists ​ 1. Remove duplicates from the list - Sociuu will only create one user per email address if duplicates occur in your sheet 2. Add department and user groups 2. Upload the new list - with duplicate action 'Add and update user groups' 3. Upload the delete list - choose duplicate action 'Delete uploaded users' ​ Your Sociuu is now fully updated and ready to go again. ​
  • How do I add Vimeo with RSS?
    In order to create an rss feed for a Vimeo channel, follow these steps: 1. Go to the Vimeo channel you want to create an rss feed for 2. Grab the page url for example: 4. Place /videos/rss at the end of the url so that full url will look like this: 5. Add the Vimeo feed to Content Hub sources and give it a title. You will recieve an email when all videoes are available in the Content Hub
  • How do I add
    You can find all your resources in your Sociuu Content Hub after adding your Falcon Key to your 'Sociual Integration' See the full step by set guide here
  • What is RSS feeds?
    CONNECT RSS FEEDS RSS is a web feed that allows access to updates on websites. Your Content Hub tracks the different sources and adds any newly published content. ​ With RSS feeds, you can include sources where you usually publish and share content. Include e.g. Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, blogs, news and media sites, career pages, industry magazines and so forth. ​ THE WHOLE SITE OR JUST ONE PAGE You can include the whole sites or single pages. If the RSS feed is not explicit on the page, you may find it in the page code. ​ Use 'developer tool' to search for the RSS feed in the code. ​ You can also contact your web developer or use 3 party RSS converters to create RSS feeds for specific sites or social networks. See how to add RSS feeds to your Sociuu Content Hub ​ An RSS feed is a link that you insert as Content Hub Source. Give your RSS Source a Title and Tag.
  • How do I add YouTube to the Content Hub?
    1. Go to the YouTube channel you wish to add and subsribe. 2. Click on Subscriptions on of your YouTube account and you will be directed to your to the subscription manager. 3. Find the “Export subscriptions” button and download the subscription file. 4. Open in a version that allows you to copy the feed link 5. Open Sociuu and go to Site settings > Content Hub > Add source 6. Import this file into your Sociuu RSS feed reader in the Content Hub, give it a title and the content of your favorite channels will be synced directly there.
  • Can I add Instagram to the Content Hub
    Yes, you can! You need a RSS converter to add Instagram - Reach out to Sociuu and they will help you add Insta to your Content Hub.
  • How do I edit users?
    1. Go to Users in menu 2. Find the User you want to edit 3. Make changes 4. Save
  • How do I edit users?
    1. Go to Users in menu 2. Find the User you want to edit 3. Make changes 4. Save
  • How do I add new users?
    ADD USERS MANUALLY 1. Go to Users 2. Top right corner you find add single user button 3. Add single user information 4. If you want to add them to User groups, go to the menu 'User group' Find the Group and add them. ADD BY UPLOAD 1. Prepare you user list (Save as Excel or CSV) - See example here You can also download current user list in Sociuu (Import/Export) and update with new users We recommend that you do not upload more than 2400 users in one upload. 2. Upload and map columns. 3. Analyse import 4. Choose duplicate action 'Skip' or 'Update and add user groups' if this is not the first upload to import any changes/additions 5. Import
  • How do I add new users?
    ADD USERS MANUALLY 1. Go to Users 2. Top right corner you find add single user button 3. Add single user information 4. If you want to add them to User groups, go to the menu 'User group' Find the Group and add them. ADD BY UPLOAD 1. Prepare you user list (Save as Excel or CSV) - See example here You can also download current user list in Sociuu (Import/Export) and update with new users We recommend that you do not upload more than 2400 users in one upload. 2. Upload and map columns. 3. Analyse import 4. Choose duplicate action 'Skip' or 'Update and add user groups' if this is not the first upload to import any changes/additions 5. Import
  • Can I download the current user list from Sociuu?
    Yes, you can always download the full user list. Please note that there is a difference between user list that you find in import/export and user stats. Go to: 1. Import/Export in the menu 2. Click the Export User List in the top right corner 3. Choose file format 4. You will recieve the list by mail
  • How do I upload the user list?
    1. Go to import / eksport - You have to prepare your userlist outside Sociuu - see example file here 2. Drag and drop your user list or upload from your computer. You can choose between uploading excel or CSV 3. Map or skip columns 4. Analyse import 5. Choose duplicate action 6. Import is done
  • How do I delete users?
    You can delete users manually or with an upload. DELETE BY UPLOAD 1. Create a list with first name, last name and email with users to delete 2. Go to import/export and upload the list 3. Map columns 4. Analyse import 5. Choose the duplicate action 'Delete uploaded user' to delete users on the list or ' Delete all users in system' to replace with a new user list. DELETE USERS MANUALLY 1. Go to Users in the manu 2. Tick the users off you want to delete 3. A blue bar appears with a delete option When you delete all users, users start from scratch when uploaded again. Deleted users can be recreated but not with past performance stats. All deleted users are scrambled and their stats remain in Sociuu anonymized.
  • How many users can I upload at once
    Sociuu do not recommend that you upload more than 2400 users at once. This is only to avoid a long load time.
  • How do I delete users from Sociuu?
    MANUALLY DELETE USERS 1. Go to Users in the menu 2. Find the user or users you want to delete 3. Tick the users box to the right - A blue bar appears 4. Delete users DELETE BY UPLOAD 1. Create a sheet with users you want to delete. Include First name, Last name and Email in three columns. 2. Go to Import/Export and upload the sheet 3. Map columns 4. Choose the duplication action 'Delete duplicates' Users are deleted and scrambeled while stats remain. A deleted user can not be recalled but you can recreate the user as a new user.
  • How do I delete users from Sociuu?
    MANUALLY DELETE USERS 1. Go to Users in the menu 2. Find the user or users you want to delete 3. Tick the users box to the right - A blue bar appears 4. Delete users DELETE BY UPLOAD 1. Create a sheet with users you want to delete. Include First name, Last name and Email in three columns. 2. Go to Import/Export and upload the sheet 3. Map columns 4. Choose the duplication action 'Delete duplicates' Users are deleted and scrambeled while stats remain. A deleted user can not be recalled but you can recreate the user as a new user.
  • Can I add single users manually?
    Yes you can add users manually. 1. Go to Users 2. Top right corner you find add single user button 3. Add single user information 4. If you want to add them to User groups, go to the menu 'User group' Find the Group and add them.
  • Can I add single users manually?
    Yes you can add users manually. 1. Go to Users 2. Top right corner you find add single user button 3. Add single user information 4. If you want to add them to User groups, go to the menu 'User group' Find the Group and add them.
  • Can I update users?
    Yes, you can edit user information 1. Find the user you want to update in the user list. 2. Click on (···) to the right of stats and choose Edit You cann't edit the email as this is the unique identifyer.
  • Can I update users?
    Enter your answer here
  • Can employees enter Sociuu?
    No. Only admins can access Sociuu. You can grant employees admin rights 1. Users in Menu 2. Find the user 3. To the right of the user you find (···) Add as admin 4. Repeat step 3 - To the right of the user you find (···) Send activation mail
  • Can employees enter Sociuu?
    No. Only admins can access Sociuu. You can grant employees admin rights 1. Users in Menu 2. Find the user 3. To the right of the user you find (···) Add as admin 4. Repeat step 3 - To the right of the user you find (···) Send activation mail
  • How do I add new admins?
    1. Go to User in the Menu 2. Find the User you want add as admin 3. To the right of the user you find (···) Add as admin 4. Repeat step 3 - To the right of the user you find (···) Send activation mail The activation mail is active for 24 hours - You can resend the activation mail if the user did missed the activation time.
  • How do I add new admins?
    1. Go to User in the Menu 2. Find the User you want add as admin 3. To the right of the user you find (···) Add as admin 4. Repeat step 3 - To the right of the user you find (···) Send activation mail The activation mail is active for 24 hours - You can resend the activation mail if the user did missed the activation time.
  • How do I Remove admins?
    1. Go to User in the Menu 2. Find the User you want Remove as admin 3. To the right of the user you find (···) Remove as admin NB. The User is not deleted just because admins rights are removed. They simply no longer have access to Sociuu
  • How do I Remove admins?
    1. Go to User in the Menu 2. Find the User you want Remove as admin 3. To the right of the user you find (···) Remove as admin NB. The User is not deleted just because admins rights are removed. They simply no longer have access to Sociuu
  • How to do I reset Admin password?
    1. Go to User in the Menu 2. Find the User you want reset password for - Only admins have passwords and access to Sociuu. If the user is not an admin, grant admin rights first. 3. To the right of the user you find (···) Reset password 4. The user will recieve an email to reset the password
  • How to do I reset Admin password?
    1. Go to User in the Menu 2. Find the User you want reset password for - Only admins have passwords and access to Sociuu. If the user is not an admin, grant admin rights first. 3. To the right of the user you find (···) Reset password 4. The user will recieve an email to reset the password
  • Why isn't my activation mail working?
    The activation token is only active for 24 hours. Resend the Activation mail to give admins access 1. Go to User in the Menu 2. Find the User you want add as admin 3. To the right of the user you find (···) Add as admin 4. Repeat step 3 - To the right of the user you find (···) Send activation mail The activation mail is active for 24 hours - You can resend the activation mail if the user did missed the activation time.
  • Why isn't my activation mail working?
    The activation token is only active for 24 hours. Resend the Activation mail to give admins access 1. Go to User in the Menu 2. Find the User you want add as admin 3. To the right of the user you find (···) Add as admin 4. Repeat step 3 - To the right of the user you find (···) Send activation mail The activation mail is active for 24 hours - You can resend the activation mail if the user did missed the activation time.
  • How do I resend Admin's activation mails?
    The activation token is only active for 24 hours. Resend the Activation mail to give admins access 1. Go to User in the Menu 2. Find the User you want to activate 3. To the right of the user, you find (···) Send activation link
  • How do I resend Admin's activation mails?
    The activation token is only active for 24 hours. Resend the Activation mail to give admins access 1. Go to User in the Menu 2. Find the User you want to activate 3. To the right of the user, you find (···) Send activation link
  • How do I update the current user list?
    1. Create a list of current users/employees 2. Download the user list from Sociuu in Excel (Implort/Export) 3. Merge the two documents by copy/paste 4. Add the current user/employee list again 5. Choose duplicate action - Highlight by colour 6. Filter by colour - Copy all employees without colour to a new sheet The new sheet is now your delete list of users/employees that are not included in your updated/current users lists ​ 1. Remove duplicates from the list - Sociuu will only create one user per email address if duplicates occur in your sheet 2. Add department and user groups 2. Upload the new list - with duplicate action 'Add and update user groups' 3. Upload the delete list - choose duplicate action 'Delete uploaded users' ​ Your Sociuu is now fully updated and ready to go again. ​
  • What is a user group?
    A user group is a mailing lists. This allows you to match relevant content to relevant employees in step 3 of create post flow. You can have different groups e.g. Employee functions Projects Thems for instance from your content plan Organisational diagram/departments Groups allows you to narrowcast or broadcast content when needed. You can see your group effectivess in the group stats that you find in the left hand menu.
  • What is a user group?
    A user group is a mailing lists. This allows you to match relevant content to relevant employees in step 3 of create post flow. You can have different groups e.g. Employee functions Projects Thems for instance from your content plan Organisational diagram/departments Groups allows you to narrowcast or broadcast content when needed. You can see your group effectivess in the group stats that you find in the left hand menu.
  • How do I add user groups?
    MANUALLY CREATE NEW GROUPS 1. Go to User groups in the menu 2. Add user group and name it 3. Add users to the user group NEW GROUPS BY UPLOAD 1. Add groups to the user list by ticking off the users in the correct groups - you can download the current userlist from Sociuu Import/Export to update 2. Upload and map columns 3. Analyse import 4. Choose the right duplicate action: 'Update and add user group' if you want to update exisitng groups with additional users and add new groups 'Update and replace user group' if you want to add new groups and replace users in existing groups
  • How do I add user groups?
    MANUALLY CREATE NEW GROUPS 1. Go to User groups in the menu 2. Add user group and name it 3. Add users to the user group NEW GROUPS BY UPLOAD 1. Add groups to the user list by ticking off the users in the correct groups - you can download the current userlist from Sociuu Import/Export to update 2. Upload and map columns 3. Analyse import 4. Choose the right duplicate action: 'Update and add user group' if you want to update exisitng groups with additional users and add new groups 'Update and replace user group' if you want to add new groups and replace users in existing groups
  • How do I update User Groups with new users?
    MANUALLY UPDATE GROUPS 1. Go to User groups in the menu 2. Find the group you want to add users to 3. Add users with the + in the left column or Remove users on the bin in the right column UPDATE GROUPS BY UPLOAD 1. Add users to the groups by ticking off the users in the correct groups - you can download the current userlist from Sociuu Import/Export to update 2. Upload and mapp columns 3. Analyse import 4. Choose the right duplicate action: 'Update and add user group' if you want to update exisitng groups with additional users and add new groups 'Update and replace user group' if you want to add new groups and replace users in existing groups
  • How do I update User Groups with new users?
    MANUALLY UPDATE GROUPS 1. Go to User groups in the menu 2. Find the group you want to add users to 3. Add users with the + in the left column or Remove users on the bin in the right column UPDATE GROUPS BY UPLOAD 1. Add users to the groups by ticking off the users in the correct groups - you can download the current userlist from Sociuu Import/Export to update 2. Upload and mapp columns 3. Analyse import 4. Choose the right duplicate action: 'Update and add user group' if you want to update exisitng groups with additional users and add new groups 'Update and replace user group' if you want to add new groups and replace users in existing groups
  • Can one employee be in more than one group?
    Yes, employees can be in more than one group. When they are, they still only receive one Sociuu mail
  • Can one employee be in more than one group?
    Yes, employees can be in more than one group. When they are, they still only receive one Sociuu mail
  • What is Department and how is it being used?
    Department is used for Insights only for you to compare the activity be department. One employee can only be in one department but can be in several groups. If you want to be able to send to departments, you need to create them as user groups.
  • What is Department and how is it being used?
    Department is used for Insights only for you to compare the activity be department. One employee can only be in one department but can be in several groups. If you want to be able to send to departments, you need to create them as user groups.
  • How do I add departments?
    NEW DEPARTMENTS CAN ONLY BE CREATE BY UPLOAD 1. Add departments to the user list in a new column. You can download the current userlist from Sociuu Import/Export to update 2. Upload and mapp columns 3. Analyse import 4. Choose the duplicate action: 'Update and add user group' Users can be moved between exisitng departments in Sociuu after they are created by editing users.
  • How do I add departments?
    NEW DEPARTMENTS CAN ONLY BE CREATE BY UPLOAD 1. Add departments to the user list in a new column. You can download the current userlist from Sociuu Import/Export to update 2. Upload and mapp columns 3. Analyse import 4. Choose the duplicate action: 'Update and add user group' Users can be moved between exisitng departments in Sociuu after they are created by editing users.
  • What is the difference between user groups and departments?
    Department is used for Insights only for you to compare the activity be department. User groups are mailing list for you to match relevant content to relevant employees. You also have stats for user goups. One employee can only be in one department but can be in several groups. If you want to be able to send to departments, you need to create them as user groups.
  • What is the difference between user groups and departments?
    Department is used for Insights only for you to compare the activity be department. User groups are mailing list for you to match relevant content to relevant employees. You also have stats for user goups. One employee can only be in one department but can be in several groups. If you want to be able to send to departments, you need to create them as user groups.
  • Can I customize my emails?
    Yes, to some extent. You can add a custom email adress, header and footer to the template, template lanugae and change the display URL. You can see the custom settings here: This is in coordinaton with Sociuu so please reach out if you are interested in customizing your Sociuu emails.
  • Do my employees recieve multiple emails if they are in multiple groups?
    Employees can be added to multiple groups - The groups function as your mailing list that ensures that relevant content is matched to relevant employees. If you send 1 email and select 3 groups where one of the employees are in all of the 3 groups, this employee only recieves 1 email. If you create 3 emails and select 3 differnet groups where one employee is in all groups, the employee will recieve 3 emails. You will be notified in step 4 when/if an emeployee reaches its frequency cap.
  • Can I change my defalut email settings?
    Yes, you can change you email settings easily: 1. the defalut email sender 2. who recieves answers on Sociuu mails 3. defalut subject line If you want to change the sender email address, you will need the custom email settings - reach out to Sociuu to learn more
  • What is 'My Social Integrations'?
    Social integrations means that you connect your Facebook and LinkedIn company pages with Sociuu. This allows you to create videos that autoplay with Video shares and include the company pages in the Content Hub. ​Only persons with admin credentials to company pages are allowed to connect the company pages.​The connection is valid for 60 days then LinkedIn and Facebook with prompt you to confirm the connection. The connector admin will receive a reminder email from Sociuu when it is time to reconnect the company pages. ​If you missed it, no worries you can always reconnect. However, if you did not reconnect in time, this will affect the availability of content in the Content Hub and for video shares. It is never too late to reconnect, your Content Hub will update instantly. ​
  • How can I connect my CMS?
    You will need a API key from - Reach out to Falcon and they will provide you with the necessary key. Follow these steps to add content from content pool to your Sociuu content hub.
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