Native Image Post
What does a native post with a image look like?
Native posts can be shared via email, and through the SociuuHub. Native posts created in Sociuu will appear on LinkedIn similar to the example on the right.
*Note* Posts with Images:
Max size/dimensions: 6012px x 6012px.
File types: PNG | JPG/JPEG | GIF.
(Optimal image size is 1200 x 630 pixels).
Why use native posts?
While a regular post is created around sharing a link, a native post allows you to create a unique post from scratch. The native posts focus on sharing either; only text-based content, a PDF document, a video, or an image/GIF.
You are still able to share a link if you attach it to the text of your content, but it will not display as a typical link preview in your post.
With its visuals, native posts are often generating good attention on social media, why it can be a great scroll-stopper. However, native posts will always be accessible to all users in their SociuuHub. Still, it is only ambassadors with Social Connection activated to LinkedIn will be able to share a native post.
How to create a Native Post?
1. Create a Native Image Post
First, go to the "Create Native Content" in the menu bar (Admin platform)
Create a title for your content post.
This will be visible only internally on the platform, and in SociuuHub for your ambassadors.
Write the content of your post. If you wish to keep a link in your post like before, you can add the link here in the text box.
Remember that links pasted into the text box will not generate a link preview, as they would in a regular post.
By checking this box, you will allow users to change the text in their posts, when they are making their native post in SociuuHub.
You can choose between uploading an image, video, or document by clicking on one of these icons.
Posts with Images:
Max size/dimensions: 6012px x 6012px.
File types: PNG | JPG/JPEG | GIF.
(Optimal image size is 1200 x 630 pixels).
Decide which users will see this post in their SociuuHub. In the Select Recipients section, you can choose to share it with All Employees or use the Custom Selection option to target specific individuals. You can target recipients by department, usergroup, or even select individual employees to tailor your communication.
You can select all users regardless of their social connection status or only those employees with an active social connection.
When users who are not connected try to share this content, they will be invited to connect to their LinkedIn account.
When selecting All Employees in the selected recipients, you will also have the option of Exclude any user, usergroup, or department that you wish not to send it out to, or make it visible in their SociuuHub.
When selecting Custom Selection, make sure to Include the users, usergroups, or department to which you wish to make this content visible to.
You can also exclude any user, usergroup, or department.
In the Estimated Colleagues figure, you can see how many users this post will be visible to, you can also click on View Employees to see the specific targeted users.
Select the Labels related to the users
you want to share this content with.
This will make the content accessible to employees in usergroups associated with these labels in their SociuuHub.
On the right side panel, you can preview how your content will look on LinkedIn.
Your post is now live in SociuuHub and ready to be shared with the users based on the labels you selected earlier.
Consider whether you wish to send an email notification to the ambassadors with this new content.
2. Send the Post
Once you have published the post, you can now choose between See Content in the Content Hub, or Share to your colleagues.
By sharing it with your colleagues you will be directed to the distribution section for the employees.
Your post is now live in the SociuuHub, but you wish to Share to your colleagues, so they get a notification with your new content.
You can choose between sending your content out via Email or Microsoft Teams.
if, Microsoft Teams..
In this step, you won’t need to select user groups, departments, or individual users, instead, you will select a channel from Microsoft Teams to determine the recipients.
This is the text that will appear as a message before sharing the main content.
A message will now be sent to the selected target channels.
Once you have published the post, the message shared with the employees will look identical to the example to the left.
When the ambassador clicks Share, a SociuuHub window with the selected post will show up. Here, they can add text themselves, preview the post, or use it as is and post it on LinkedIn.
if, Email..
Your post is now live in the SociuuHub, but you wish to Share to your colleagues, so they get a notification with your new content. You can customize various elements of the email here, including the sender, subject line, and the main body of the message.
In this section, select the recipients who will receive email notifications containing your content. If necessary, you can refine your list by adding recipients to the Don't Send To section.
Specify who is sending the post. In the Name area, we recommend using a name that your employees will instantly recognize, such as your name or the company name. Also, make it consistent, or you could make it unique, so your employees know exactly what they just received.
The Reply-to name and Reply-to Address would be the name and email that the employee would write to if they reply to the email.
These can always be changed, but by default, it will pull the information that you have filled out in your settings for email.
Write the email subject and the preview email that will be shown in the employee inbox.
This is the text that will appear above the main content of the email. You can customize it using various features, such as adding images, quotes, paragraphs, and more. Enjoy the flexibility of unlimited text characters to craft your message.
An email will now be sent to the selected target audience of ambassadors.
Once you have published the post, the email shared with the employees will look identical to the example to the left.
When the ambassador clicks Share, a SociuuHub window with the selected post will show up. Here, they can add text themselves, preview the post, or use it as is and post it on LinkedIn.
3. How Ambassadors see Shared Posts
4. Tracking Native Post Performance
In the dashboard area, you can see the engagement number compiled by reactions, comments, and impressions. Admins can also see verified shares.
To see your native posts' performance in the post list, open the filter, click on the Content area, and select Native to find your native post stats. Now you will be able to see your native posts, with their statistics as well as the engagement performance.
In the userlist area, you can access each user SociuuHub to see the native posts results. This option will also be available soon from the admin view.
Read more about Insights and Statistics here.
Note that initially, these statistics will be updated twice a day, with more frequent updates coming soon.